Loved 2, but am a bit biased, being an older brother myself.
Can also recommend Tell Me Why. It’s essentially a life is strange game by don’t nod but published by Microsoft instead of Square Enix. Is usually free during pride month as one if it’s protagonists is transgender.
I never played 2, but I loved the original, and really liked both Before the Storm and True Colors.
They’re really good at making me care about their characters
You should play LiS 2, it’s a really good one. I prefered it to Before The Storm and thought it was on par with LiS 1.
Also play The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit before, it’s free and serves as a short prequel to LiS 2
Loved 2, but am a bit biased, being an older brother myself.
Can also recommend Tell Me Why. It’s essentially a life is strange game by don’t nod but published by Microsoft instead of Square Enix. Is usually free during pride month as one if it’s protagonists is transgender.
2 was really boring. Though I didn’t like even True Colors. But the original and Before the Storm are some of my most favourite games altogether.
2 Was the best tbh, even though I’m biased towards the others for queer reasons
I’m a full on rural cis hetero gym bro, but I have such a soft spot for disaster lesbians.