• zkfcfbzr@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Is there an organized collection of quotes like this anywhere?

    Got a family member who’s very amenable to stuff like this. The kind of person who’s chronically uninformed about politics. Not misinformed, just so not following politics at all that they don’t know a thing about Biden, Trump, or Harris. They supported Trump in the past because they’d read a lot of generic pro-Trump and anti-Biden comments from people they follow on Facebook (so generic they couldn’t name anything they liked about Trump or disliked about Biden). They came around like a month ago after we had an actual conversation about politics with facts and stuff, about actual things both candidates had actually done. But the election’s a long time away and it’d be nice to have things like this at the ready in case they backslide.

    By the way, I see the take on Lemmy a lot that pretty much everyone has already decided who they’re voting for, and that nothing that happens is going to change anyone’s mind. Like I saw someone say just today that Trump’s VP pick isn’t going to scare away any of his voters. But I think the people who say things like that are making a lot of assumptions about how politically connected most people are. I don’t think my chronically uninformed family member is in any sort of minority - the number of people out there who are voting one way or the other for no reason other than some vague baseless opinion they formed from reading vague baseless opinions of others is huge. There’s a reason things like the way Howard Dean screams can sway elections, and people like that are the reason. People who know the candidates better than their neighbors are the minority.