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You can find all of these videos as written articles, plus some extra content, at You can the channel grow by donating to the following platforms: Paypal:…
I fucked up and used their password manager for years. Now I’m going through and deleting old accounts I forgot about and saving passwords into keepass and i’ll use syncthing between phone, laptop, and pc and probably backup to a private/paid cloud provider. I need to transfer accounts away from gmail as well.
Bitwarden is the way
How do I know i can trust them?
They hold some of the hardest to aquire security certifications in the industry, both server and client are open source, and they regularly undergo and post the results of external third party audits.
Out of all password managers they are by far the most trustworthy
You can always self host or audit the code yourself.
You definitely can’t trust KeePass.
I used to use them but they had a pretty bad exploit for a long time and there’s no telling how many master passwords were stolen.
I’m not aware of bitwarden having any exploits.