PETG has always been more fraught than PLA for me but as of late it just looks like a mess.
I’m just trying to do calibration at this point and I’m getting this mess on the pressure advance test in Orca Slicer.
I get so much stringing, boogers, and just terrible prints. It didn’t used to be this bad. Any tips?
I’m using a Snapmaker Artisan.
Have you dried your filament/ do you live in a humid climate? That would be my first guess.
What temperature is your nozzle set to?
Hmm, how old is the spool? Like how long has it been open? Also, are you sure that the filament and printer are rated to the speed Orca is putting out?
I’m using an Orca profile for the Snapmaker printer but other than that I’m not sure. Kind of just trusting they set that part up correctly.
Yeah it should be, how well did it go last time you printed Pla? There are so many things that can go wrong, just trying to eliminate some. (Drying filament never hurts so long as you actually have a dryer and don’t just stick it in the oven and hope for the best)
PLA worked fine. I just bought and loaded some new PETG btw and it prints pretty well so I think everyone is right that the filament is just really old/wet.
Threw 80 bucks out to get a dryer.
Probably a good idea long term, my region is semi-arid and I still find I need it from time to time
Keep in kind some filament may be humid out of the box. You can try different methods of drying it for now, but I’d really recommend getting a dryer when you can.