Aren’t 2/3 straight? Anon just because the boy is pretty, don’t make them a woman. Didn’t you learn that in sex Ed.
1/3 are straight, the other two have dicks
Pretty fucking gay of you to be so obsessed about dicks.
idk bro that sounds like projection 😳
This is the result of using black and white terminology for something that is a fluid scale. Square peg meets circle hole (although this guy definitely knows his holes).
I wanna get square pegged in my circle hole
I’d bet he knows his pegs too. He only has the straightest kinds of anal sex.
That’s right, it goes in the asshole
If you’re attracted only to women and femboys… Are you straight or bi? 🤔
Who cares 🤷 yolo
Pure curiosity. I already want to bone everything with a pulse. And even some things without one.