They want people to “follow the rules”, but see the “rules” change every day, depending on what mood the rulers are in. It also depends on the color of your skin to them, if its not white, you’re always breaking the “rules” no matter what.
“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”
I’ve learned in hearing conservatives talk about the ammendments, that they can only count to two. So long as they start at two.
“If you don’t like it you can leave” is such a shit argument that I keep hearing, the whole point of democracy is that if you don’t like it you are allowed to complain and vote to change the situation. Implying someone doesn’t have the right to complain or change an existing system is just how fascism works…
I’ve heard that dumb argument a lot, being touted from GOP voters at every turn. It’s their speed-dial of an argument whenever someone props up any issue that they see wrong, usually because of something tied to GOP, is when they will bring that argument up.
No, I’m not fucking going anywhere just to appease you and your batshit ideals. I’m going to remain here and probably give you hell just because you’re simply annoyed by the fact that there are people who live and think differently than you do and you have to co-exist with that. Or don’t and you take your chances by trying to act it out so we can get all of this pent up bullshit frustration out over political differences. Whichever works.
And I want anyone in their country to stand and fight for change in their country. If you keep running away all of the time, you are letting them win and destroy what you call home and your country that you identify with.
Now they are deporting people legally in the US who didn’t break any laws.
It’s not even about deporting illegal immigrants anymore.
It never was. It’s always been about oppression.
Freedom is always the freedom of the obedient.
Purple Belgium